Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sweatin' out the party...

Jon here...
Well lookie what we have... it's our own little blog, isn't that just special? It's looks a little primitive right now, but we'll jazz it up soon.
En route to Baltimore and traffic on 95 is as insane as ever. We are just sitting in the heat and humidity, but at least I have a portable fan. Cars are turning around on the interstate - pretty nuts. Now that we have wifi in the van (or the "War Pig" as we call it), we can get our laptops fired up and reach out easily in times like this.
The tour is going great! Everything is running smoothly and we've met a lot of great peeps and seen some really great bands. Stayed with some old friends and some new ones! A great band that put us up in Pittsburgh called Lovebettie is definitely a band to check out... do a search, they should be easy to find. Thanks to Becky, Sarah, Elizabeth and Brian, Vince & Jimmy, and Todd, Manda, and Neil for the comfortable digs so far! NJ & PA heads definitely like to party, that's for sure. Think all the beer from the weekend is starting to come out... yikes. Magic 8 ball says "signs point to YES" that the madness might continue on the same level... I think I believe it.